2023 Donations
Books Motivate Foundation

"We build quality of life pathways through literary scholarship focusing on the
protection and enjoyment of nature
Books Motivate Foundation provides signature educational initiatives and programs, such as the National Climate Essay Student Competition and the Reception of Champions Climate Awards that promote the development of literacy, career, and quality of life goal attainments for students, individuals, and families.
The 2023 National Climate Essay Student Competition inspires high school students to:
· reflect and engage in the writing process through their personal and shared experience with an understanding of community and climate science research. Their stories from a scientific and personal experience are important to share, and for all to hear, in a mutual quest for deepening our awareness of a common humanity as well as personal survival.
· receive community recognition and monetary scholarship awards through an incentive-based climate essay program with media publication also as a primary targeted goal to inform students of the learning/reward process.
The 2023 Reception of Champions Climate Awards Event highlights:
· Community members and corporate sponsors who reward student excellence through their support towards our annual event that showcases their achievement with an appreciation of climate science and the arts.
· American teachers who are recognized, honored, and receive awards when their students submit winning climate essays.
· Books Motivate Foundation volunteers and community service leaders who receive recognition and awards annually.
Books Motivate Foundation leadership invites U.S. State and Federal Senate and House Representatives involvement to recognize National Climate Student Essayist winners. Books Motivate Foundation is opening the floodgates for innovative thinking and evidence-based solutions among student leaders from all 50 states, the District of Columbia, and U.S. territories.
Support the Future
U.S. Climate Students Destined to Lead!
Your generous donation here helps to fund available scholarships and awards for youth enrolled in Books Motivate programs. Thank you!
motivate Foundation
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Email: [email protected]
Phone: (304) 404-4150