
About 2022 Reception of Champions Climate Awards Event

2022 Virtual Event

Saturday, August 20, 2022, 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM Eastern

Books Motivate Foundation hosts the 2022 Reception of Champions Climate Awards virtual event on Saturday, August 20 from 2 to 4 pm Eastern. A featured new climate book release, highlight climate film screening, and panel discussion with community Q&A include guest presenters Chris Bugbee, Ecologist and John Cancalosi, Wildlife Field Biologist Photographer with moderator, Dr. Pamela Ellis, Executive Director, Books Motivate Foundation.
The event celebrates awards to the 2022 National Climate Student Essayist who will share a reading of the award-winning essay. The 2022 National Climate Teacher award, the 2022 Books Motivate Volunteer and community awards will also be presented. Students, educators, sponsors, and the community are welcomed!

For virtual event admission, register here, and/or donate here. For additional information, and to sponsor, or volunteer for the event, contact Books Motivate Foundation at or email, [email protected].