About Books Motivate Youth Scholarship Programs
Books Motivate Foundation provides high school
students with environmental conservation knowledge opportunities to showcase
their educational literacy and achievement through our two signature programs
for students in grades 9 through 12.
- The
National Climate Essay Student Competition
- Green Academy Virtual After School Program
The National Climate Essay Student Competition is
an annual program for high school students from all 50 states, the District of
Columbia, and U.S. territories who are invited to submit climate essays to win
possible publication and media distribution with monetary awards from Books
Motivate Foundation sponsors.
The Green Academy Virtual After School Program is an
interactive, virtual, project-based mentorship after-school and summer program
for high school students that offers an exciting conservation leadership
learning experience with highly qualified environmental educators throughout
the United States.
All students complete two one-hour sessions each week for six
weeks of online environmental science course instruction, and a sustainability
individual, or group, project in their community during the Spring, Summer, or
Fall calendar term with recognition and awards from our sponsors. Students
receive prize pack incentives including theme t-shirts, mugs, and more!
Environmental educators and mentors facilitate student
participant efforts and provide letters of recommendation to students for
submission to schools, colleges, and/or business employers. Students receive a
certification of program completion with recognition and awards from our
Your generous donation here helps to fund available
scholarships for youth enrolled in Books Motivate programs. Thank you!